A Healing Experience
"Experience A Day of Miracles, Signs, and Wonders" offers an extraordinary opportunity to witness the power of God's love and grace. This event seeks to inspire, uplift, and bring about profound encounters with the divine through dynamic worship, powerful testimonies, expert insights, and hearing from a world renown prophetic healing ministry gift.
See the full agenda at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-healing-experience-tickets-1045445865727?aff=oddtdtcreator.
Marriage Enrichment Fellowship
This invitation for an evening of fun is open to couples and those who desire to be a couple.
Come out and attend Couples Game Night on Friday, November 15, 2024.
Questions? Reach out to Rodney or Lorna.
Dr. Lesli Meyers-Small
Join us after service for a Q&A with Lesli Myers-Small, Ed.D. as she focuses on youth mental health and impacts to the education system.
Back To School Giveaway
You can help youth get their feet on the path to a successful academic year when you donate a few basic school supplies (especially bookbags), or your time or treasure, to the annual Back To School Giveaway.
Made To Worship
A spirit-enriching event open to all. Live band and performances. Tickets are $25 ($20 for members of In Christ New Hope Ministry and New Hope Fellowship House of Praise). Doors open at 5PM, event begins promptly at 6PM.
Praying for Change
Have you ever found it difficult to pray? Have you experienced the power and joy of answered prayer? Join Pastor Breedlove as he minister on the purposes of prayer.
Natural Healing
Do you suffer from High Blood Pressure? Type 2 Diabetes? Constipation? High Cholesterol? Have you had a stroke? Do you wonder if there are ways to prevent these life-draining attacks on your body? Come out and learn the keys to healthy living!
A Night of Worship
It’s time for a night of worship! Come out and experience the Lord afresh. Fellowship and food/ice cream trucks combine for a unique event.
Men's Health Workshop
Early morning and evening sessions focused on men’s health including a revealing “weigh-in.” Who walks away with bragging rights?
Pastor Breedlove Prays
Clergy representative for the 2024 WMBE Conference hosted by the City of Rochester on May 8.
After Service Chats Are Back!
Zoom in every fourth Sunday and share what The Holy Spirit downloads for the edification of the body of Christ. These are rapid sessions, 6PM-6:30PM, so don’t be late jumping on the line!
7 Pillars, Session 4
Thoughts are powerful tools; with them, you may make your life happy or sad, full or empty, stable or unstable. Find out how to master these vital tools.
Egg Hunt!
Is your young person part of the Sunday, March 31 Resurrection Program at In Christ New Hope Ministry? If yes, be sure that he or she attends this rehearsal and stays around for an exciting Egg Hunt sponsored by the Children/Youth Ministry.
The 7 Last Words
Pastor Breedlove will focus on these all-important last three words: “It is finished.” And that’s a promise you can live in!
Sameer Patel, MD
Speaking on Palliative Care and Hospice in 30-minute Q&A directly after service.
Dr. Gretchen Mims
You’ll never know your full potential until you give yourself a chance. Whatever your reason for seeking out therapy, I am dedicated to helping you find your way to better mental health.
Healing The City
One night only! Get ready for a massive move of God as the Faith Leaders Roundtable hosts Bishop Marvin Winans and multiple local ministries coming together in prayer to heal the city.
You Can Heal
Don’t stay trapped. There is a strong, vibrant, beautiful you waiting to be released and live knowing love.
REGISTER HERE: https://calendly.com/shenamajor/7pdy-in-person-group-coaching
Singles Prayer Gathering
The ICNHM Singles Ministry welcomes you to its prayer gathering!
Marriage Enrichment Fellowship
Marriage Enrichment Fellowship is always lively and life-affirming!
Women's Table Talk Zoom
1st Tuesday monthly via Zoom, 11:30AM-12:30PM. To request the Zoom link, call (585) 334-8730 any Wednesday. Please provide your email address (slowly and distinctly).
Marriage Enrichment Fellowship
Greetings In Christ Couples!
This is a just a reminder to encourage you to attend the Marriage Enrichment Zoom session this Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 4:00pm
To join the Zoom session, please respond to the Planning Center Online text (or email).
Please be on-time as we will have some very special guests joining us! If you have any questions, please reach out to Rodney or Lorna.
Join us for Bible Study, in-house, at Noon or 7PM. Study to show yourself approved: excellence happens not by chance, but by design!